Laura Martin - NCS Soprano Choral Scholar

Laura Martin

Soprano Choral Scholar

As part of her music degree at York, she sang in The 24 with Robert Hollingworth for two years and particularly enjoyed the range of repertoire that they sang. She also sang with Vox a capella choir, Animas chamber choir and performed with CHMS, the musical theatre society at York.
She had singing lessons with Susan Young, and achieved a first in her performance module 'Acting Through Song'. She achieved high 2:1s in her end of year recitals and enjoyed a module called 'Singing Monteverdi' with Robert Hollingworth.
She really enjoys choral singing, and hopes to continue developing her skills, with the scholarship being the perfect opportunity for her to do so. She also currently sings at the University of York graduations, and welcomes this opportunity to develop her one-to-a-part singing, as well as getting a taste of professional singing. She achieved a distinction in her Grade 8 ABRSM singing in 2021 and from the ages 11-18 sang with Berkshire Youth Choirs. 

Jess Norton Raybould - NCS Alto Choral Scholar

Jess Norton Raybould

Alto Choral Scholar

Jess read music at Durham University, where she managed the University Chamber Choir and had a Choral Scholarship at Durham Cathedral. She completed her Masters in Music in 2023, receiving the Ramsay-Burn and Palatinate Awards. Since graduating, she has started to grow a portfolio career as a singer and conductor in Oxford and the South-East. She has launched her own vocal ensemble, æftersang, which has an exciting season of new works and experiences coming soon!

When she’s not on the Great Western Railway, or spouting odd analogies for choral music, she sings at The Queen’s College, Oxford. She is looking forward to working more with Newbury Choral Society, and enjoying the opportunities she has had to perform and conduct. 

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